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Firewall Configuration

If the test environment contains firewalls, you may need to request that certain ports are opened to allow Eggplant Performance components to communicate with each other.

Controller to Injector

Ports will need to opened when there is a firewall between the Controller and one or more remote Injectors.

A Controller initiates connections to injector machines initially via the Injector Listener service. Once the the engines have started the controller then initiates connections directly to the engine processes. The Injector and engine ports only need to be opened in one direction i.e. Controller to Injector.

In the diagram Opening ports through firewalls, the Controller needs to be able to connect through each firewall to access the remote Injectors. Each Injector is listening on port 39001 and may start up to 10 engines on ports 39051-39060. Firewall 1 must be configured to allow the Controller ( to connect to these ports on the New York Injector ( Firewall 2 must be configured to allow the Controller ( to connect to these ports on the Paris Injector (

Shared Data Server

Ports will need to be opened when a Shared Data Server is configured as part of a test.

Injectors initiate communication with the Shared Data Server service. The Shared Data Server port need only be opened in one direction i.e. Injector to Shared Data Server.

In the diagram Opening ports through firewalls, the remote Injectors need to be able to connect through their respective firewalls to access the Shared Data Server service running on the Controller. Firewall 1 must be configured to allow the New York Injector ( to connect to port 60001 on the Controller ( Firewall 2 must be configured to allow the Paris Injector ( to connect to port 60001 on the Controller (


While the diagram uses port 60001 as an example, the default port for Shared Data Server is 5099.