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Managing Custom Folders

You can use custom folders in the Project tree to organize:

  • Recordings
  • Scripts
  • Workflows
  • Tests

Creating a custom folder

  1. Select the parent folder in the Project tree, e.g., Scripts.

  2. On the Script (or Recording, Workflow or Test) menu, click New folder

    OR click New folder on the toolbar

    OR right-click the parent folder and then click New folder

    New folder menu item

  3. Enter a name for the new folder, and then click OK.

The new folder will appear in the Project tree under the selected parent folder, e.g., Scripts.

Populating a Custom Folder

Items can be moved into and out of custom folders by doing the following:

  1. Select the desired item in the Project tree, e.g., a Script item.

  2. On the Script (or Recording, Workflow or Test) menu, click Move to folder

    OR click Move to folder on the toolbar

    OR right-click the item and then click Move to folder

    OR drag the item into the folder where you want it to be

    Move to folder

  3. Choose a destination folder from the drop-down menu, and then click OK.

The item will be moved to the chosen parent folder in the Project tree.

You can select multiple items to move at once provided they are items of the same type. To select multiple items, use Shift+click, or Ctrl+click for non-adjacent items.

Renaming a Custom Folder

Custom folders can be renamed by doing the following:

  1. Select the desired custom folder in the Project tree, e.g., a Scripts custom folder.

  2. On the Script Folder (or Recording Folder, Workflow Folder or Test Folder) menu, click Rename folder

    OR click Rename folder on the toolbar

    OR or right-click the custom folder and then click Rename folder

  3. Enter a new name for the folder, and then click OK.


You cannot choose a name that is already used by another custom folder under that same parent folder.

Deleting a Custom Folder

Custom folders can be deleted by doing the following:

  1. Select the desired custom folder in the Project tree in the left-hand pane, e.g., a Scripts custom folder.

  2. On the Script Folder (or Recording Folder, Workflow Folder or Test Folder) menu, click Delete folder

    OR click Delete folder on the toolbar

    OR or right-click the custom folder and then click Delete folder

  3. Click OK to confirm the deletion.


Any items belonging to the folder will also be deleted.

Delete folder dialog


If you are deleting a Script or Workflow custom folder and one or more of the items in the folder are in use (e.g. scripts being used in Tests), you will receive an error message telling you that the folder cannot be deleted.

Cannot delete folder dialog