The Image Viewer
The Image Viewer in the Suite window enables you to edit images for use in Eggplant Functional (EPF) scripts. When you select an image in the Images pane, the Image Viewer opens in the main body of the Suite window. The viewer provides several options for working with images.
Image Preview
When you click an image once in the Images pane, it opens in preview mode, with a light gray screen over the Image Viewer area. This mode lets you browse and view images but not edit them.
Double-clicking an image or clicking in the preview display fully opens the image.
The preview feature is also available when browsing scripts, tables, results, and schedules.
Image Viewer Components
The Image Viewer consists of several distinct areas where you can browse between and manipulate images in your suite.
Image Well
When you select an image in the Images pane, it loads in the top of the Image Viewer. The image's hot spot is marked by red crosshairs. You can change the location of the hot spot by Ctrl-clicking (Cmd-clicking in Mac) and dragging it to a new location. You can also nudge the hot spot one pixel at a time with Ctrl+arrow key (Cmd+arrow on Mac). Adding the Shift key moves the hot spot in ten-pixel increments.
You can use these methods to move the image's hot spot outside the bounds of the image itself; however, because you aren't viewing the image in place on the system under test (SUT), you should be careful about doing so to avoid unpredictable results.
By default, images display on a pale gray background. Click the background to change this color. The choices range from white to black with several shades of gray in between, so you can use the one that looks best with your images or change it as you view each image.
Click Edit Image to load the image in the Image Editor.
Image Name Field
Displays the name of the image file. You can use this field to change the name of the image if needed.
Search / Tags / Description Tabs
This section of the Suite window contains supplemental information about the selected image and lets you change certain properties.