Top 10 SenseTalk Commands and Functions for Eggplant Functional Scripting
Eggplant Functional (EPF) provides multiple ways to create your test scripts and code snippets, including Turbo Capture sessions, Autosnippet Generation, and Assisted Scripting. Each of these methods interacts with the Viewer window to help you generate SenseTalk code in the Script Editor.
However, you still need to review and revise your code, and you’ll probably need to manually create more advanced SenseTalk scripts eventually. For those situations, here's a quick top 10 list of useful SenseTalk commands and functions, along with some tips about when and where you might want to use them.
1. The Click Command
Use the Click
command to click a location on your system under test (SUT) just as you would with the mouse button. Typically, you specify the location to click with an image reference:
Click "Launch_Chrome" // Performs a click action at the screen location that matches the image named Launch_Chrome
You can also specify the click location with text, which uses OCR to search the screen for the text provided:
Click text:"Eggplant" // Performs a click action at the screen location where OCR finds the indicated text
The Click
command is useful for interacting with the SUT in a variety of ways, such as clicking buttons, icons, links, checkboxes, and menu options. You can also use it to click in a field so that you can enter text there, or otherwise click any area of the SUT screen to set the focus of the mouse pointer.
If you are testing against mobile device SUTs, you might choose to use the Tap
command instead of Click
because a tap is a more natural way to think of the user action on those devices. However, the Click
and Tap
commands are functionally the same, and both can be used on either desktop or mobile OSs.
- Mouse Events and Control: Learn about related commands such as
, and so forth. - The Hot Spot: Learn how to move the image hot spot so that your click action takes place somewhere other than the center of the image, including outside of the image.
- Image Property List: Find out about the additional properties you can use with
(and any image search) to improve your scripting.
2. The TypeText Command
The TypeText
command sends keystrokes to the SUT, so it's useful for entering all types of keyboard input. You can enter text in documents or use it to enter data in form fields, such as when you need to automate entering a username and password on a web page or application.
You can use this command to send keyboard commands that work within applications, such as Ctrl+C for copy and Ctrl+V for paste. You can also send keyboard commands that control aspects of the OS, such as Alt+tab (Windows) or Cmd+tab (Mac) to switch between applications.
To send literal text, enclose the text in quotes:
TypeText "Hello World!" // Sends the text string to the SUT
You can send non-character keys by using TypeText keywords:
TypeText AltKey,F4 // Sends the necessary keystrokes to the SUT to close an app on desktop
TypeText PageDown // Sends a Page Down keyboard action to scroll down the page
You can combine both character and non-character keys as well:
TypeText "Line1", Return, "Line2" // In a text document, this command would print the two strings on separate lines, with a return character between
The TypeText
command can complete successfully even if it appears nothing happens on the SUT. For instance, if you send characters to be typed when the current focus area can't accept text input, the keystrokes get sent but typically nothing changes.
Similarly, if you send a keyboard command, such as Ctrl+V, and there's nothing in the clipboard, the command successfully executes but has no effect on the SUT. Therefore, it's important to know the condition of the SUT and to ensure you have the focus on the desired part of the screen or application when using this command.
- Typing on the SUT: See more detailed information about using
and working with text. - TypeText Keywords: See the list of SenseTalk keywords you can use with
commands, including many that are unique to iOS and Android mobile devices. - Keyboard and Clipboard Events: Learn about additional commands and functions for working with keyboard input.
3. The WaitFor Command
The WaitFor
command halts the script execution until a specified image or text string (OCR) is found on the SUT or until a specified amount of time elapses—whichever occurs first. This behavior lets you verify that an element is present or that the SUT is in a correct state before you proceed to the next step. Therefore, the WaitFor
command is useful for both timing and verification in your scripts.
At its most basic, you provide the WaitFor
command with an image to search for and a time value, which is the longest you want the script to wait for that image to appear. As soon as the image is found, the script continues, regardless of how much time has passed. If the image isn't found within the time specified, an exception is thrown.
WaitFor 15, "Launch_Chrome.png" // Proceeds immediately when the image is found or throws an exception if it isn't found within 15 seconds
The WaitFor
command can be used with a text reference to take advantage of OCR. You can also specify more than one image or text reference, in which case the command proceeds when either reference is found:
Click "Launch_Chrome.png"
waitfor 10, "Launch_AI", (text: "Apps", casesensitive: "yes", searchrectangle:(125,678,305,809)) // Proceeds when either the Launch_AI image or the text "Apps" is found, but throws an exception if neither is found within 10 seconds
As with all image and OCR searches, you can add additional options to aid the search, as shown with the casesensitive
and searchrectangle
properties in the text reference above.
can also be used as a property of any image or text (OCR) search command. Like the WaitFor
command, the WaitFor
property is the maximum time Eggplant Functional waits for the given image to appear on the SUT.
Click (ImageName: "Done_button", waitFor: 2 minutes)
The WaitFor
command is distinctly different from the simpler Wait
command. For the Wait
command, you specify only a time value, creating a hard wait time. You might find this useful in some situations, particularly during script development and debugging.
As a best practice, you should attempt to use WaitFor
in most circumstances. The WaitFor
command typically leads to scripts that run faster. However, remember that if the specified image or text reference is not found, an exception is thrown.
- Image and OCR Searches: Learn about other image-searching and text-searching commands.
- Image References: Find out about different ways of referencing images in commands and functions.
- Text Properties: Find out about the different properties you can set to improve text (OCR) searches.
4. The Log Commands
SenseTalk includes a set of Log
commands, each that can add a message to the script log and possibly provide additional information.
Log Command: The basic
command lets you add a comment to the script log, which can be useful for marking sections of code in longer scripts in case you need to review the log for debugging later.Log "Beginning SUT initialization" // Writes the text you provide to the script log
You can also use a Log command to record returned values from functions:
Click "Launch_Chrome"
Log FoundImageInfo() // Writes the returned value of the function to the log, in this case details about the last image found
WaitFor 15, "Launch_Chrome.png"
Log the result // Displays how long it took to find the imageBasic
messages appear in blue text. -
LogWarning Command: The
command adds one to the script’s warning count in addition to posting the log message to the script log. This command is useful for noting conditions that you want to watch but that aren't enough to cause a script failure.LogWarning "Search took longer than expected." // Writes the message to the log and increments the script's warning count
messages appear in the script log in orange text. -
LogError Command: The
command adds an error to the script's error count in addition to posting the log message to the script log. Any errors at the end of the script run cause the script to fail, so useLogError
to track conditions where you want the script run to count as a failure.if the repeatIndex is greater than 5 then LogError "There is a problem." // The repeatindex counts iterations of a repeat loop, so you can use a line like this to create an error if it takes too many iterations to complete a process
messages appear in the script log in red text.
You can use the ScriptLogging
global property to change the level of information that gets written to the script log. However, warning and error counts from LogWarning
and LogError
are always updated even if the messages for those commands are not written to the log.
- Results and Reporting: See more about the
commands and other commands for returning information about your scripts. - Reading Test Results: See how to find and review test results information in Eggplant Functional.
- Debugging Eggplant Functional Scripts: Learn more about methods for debugging your scripts.
5. The ImageFound() Function
The ImageFound()
function returns a value—either true
or false
to indicate whether the specified image was found. Typically, you would use this function in your script as part of a control structure such as a repeat loop or an if/then/else block. Based on when the image is found, or if it is found at all, you can control what action occurs next.
As an example, consider that you perform a search on a shopping website, then need to verify if the desired product appears on the results page, based on a previously captured image. You could use a conditional (if/then/else) as follows:
if ImageFound(ImageName:"CatToy") // Checks whether the image is found
// Perform some actions if the image is found
Log "Image found!"
// Perform a different set of actions if the image wasn't found
Log "Image not found."
end if
If the results page is long, the item might be present but not appear on screen without scrolling. You can use ImageFound()
with a repeat loop to scroll until the item appears:
Repeat until ImageFound(ImageName:"CatToy", waitfor:5) // This repeat loop iterates until the ImageFound() function returns true.
TypeText PageDown // Sends a Page Down keyboard action to scroll down the page.
if the repeatindex is greater than 5 then throw "Image Not Found:", "Item not found when scrolling." // This conditional statement checks to see whether the repeat loop has iterated more than 5 times, and if so, throws an exception to stop the execution in order to avoid an endless loop if the image isn't on the page
end repeat
- Image and OCR Searches: Learn about other image-searching and text-searching commands.
- Conditional Statements: See the different ways you can use these logic statements to control script options.
- Repeat Loops: Learn about the different types of repeat loops you can use in your scripts.
6. The RunWithNewResults Command
The RunWithNewResults
command lets you call a different script during a script run and create a separate results log for the called script. Calling a script this way returns a results property list to the calling script. If the called script fails, the calling script does not automatically fail. You can use the information returned in the results property list, which includes the status (Success/Failure), to determine what action to take next.
You use RunWithNewResults
with the name of the script you want to call. You can optionally include any parameter values you want to pass to the called script.
RunWithNewResults "SwitchSUT" -- Calls the indicated script and creates a new log file
RunWithNewResults "FormField", Input1, Input2 -- Calls the indicated script with its own log file, and passes it two variables as parameters
is a key component in Eggplant Functional to let you modularize your scripting efforts. You can create smaller scripts to perform discreet functions, then use RunWithNewResults
to call them from a primary script. You can use information from the results property list in a conditional statement to take different actions based on the success or failure of the called script. You might also use the results information to create reports.
The following example demonstrates each of these possibilities:
set scriptList to (Install, Launch, Preferences, CheckVersion, WelcomePanel) -- Creates a variable and stores in it a list of the scripts you want to call
repeat with each item myScript of scriptList -- Sets iteration of each item in the list
// These two lines clear all warnings and errors before running the new script:
set global errors to empty
set global warnings to empty
RunWithNewResults myScript -- Calls the next script in the list, which runs and returns information in "the result"
set myResult to the result -- Puts the result property list into a variable. For more information on using the result see the Result function.
if myResult's status is "Success" -- Checks the status returned from called scripts
insert myScript after successes -- Adds the name of successfully run scripts to the successes variable for later use
insert myScript after failures -- Adds the name of failed scripts to the failures variable for later use
insert (script:myscript, errors: (global errors, myResult.ErrorMessage)) after allErrors -- Adds the script name and other error information to the allErrors variable
end if
End repeat
The Run
command is a simpler version of RunWithNewResults
. When you use the Run
command, no new log file is created for the called script, and any errors or exceptions in the called script cause the calling script to fail. You probably will have cases where that is a desired behavior, so it's useful to be familiar with both commands, but also to be aware that they function differently.
- Script and API Calling: Find complete information about
, and other commands for calling out to other testing methods. - Reading Test Results: See how to find and review test results information in Eggplant Functional.
- Running from a Primary Script: Learn more about using
in a primary script.
7. The Put Command
The Put
command assigns a value by putting something into something else. This command is useful for setting the value of variables in SenseTalk's natural language style:
Put 5 into x // Creates a variable x with a numerical value of 5
Put "Bob" into firstName // Creates a variable firstName with a text value of Bob
Using the Put
command like this overwrites any value that the container might have had. In other words, you're replacing a previous value with the new value. SenseTalk includes other methods for updating an existing value, such as Mathematical Operators for numerical values and Chunk Expressions for working with text.
The Put
command can also be used without assigning a value, in which case its value, or source, is sent to the output window (i.e., the Run window or the Output tab of the Script Editor).
Put myVar // Writes the value of myVar to the output window
Using the Put
command this way can be useful to track values, particularly while debugging your scripts. To output values and other information in your production scripts, consider using a Log
command instead.
The Set
command is similar to Put
and is also used to assign values. The syntax, however, is different—essentially reversed from how the Put
command works:
Set x to 5
Set firstName to "Bob"
The Set
command might feel more natural to scripters who are already familiar with other programming languages that use this pattern for setting values.
- Storing into Containers: See this topic for more examples and detailed information about the
command. - Containers in SenseTalk: Learn about assigning and changing values in SenseTalk.
- Debugging Eggplant Functional Scripts: Learn more about using the
command and other methods for debugging your scripts.
8. The ReadText() Function
The ReadText()
function uses OCR to read text from the SUT screen. You can use this function to read a value from the screen and store it into a variable so that you can use it later in your script or perform different actions based on what information the function returns.
With ReadText()
, you need to specify the area you want the function to read, which you do by defining a rectangle. Typically, the best way to define a rectangle is by using image references for the top left and bottom right corners. For more information about how you can define rectangles, see The Set Rectangle and Generate Code Dialog Box.
Frequently, you would use ReadText()
with a Put
(or Set
) command, reading a value from the screen and assigning it to a variable:
Put ReadText("NotePadUpLeft", "NotePadLowRt", contrast: "on") into textVar // Puts any text recognized in the specified rectangle into the variable
Note that you can use any of the OCR properties with the ReadText()
function to help improve how the engine reads your target, such as contrast
as in the example above.
In addition to setting values, you can use ReadText()
with other commands or control structures:
log ReadText("HeaderTop", "HeaderBottom") // Logs any text read in the specified rectangle
If ReadText("NotePadUpLeft", "NotePadLowRt") is empty then // Checks to see whether ReadText() finds any text in the specified rectangle
log "No text found." // Logs a comment if no text is found
End If
- Text-Reading Functions: Learn more about
and other functions you can use with text. - Gathering and Using Data: See additional uses for
for manipulating information in your scripts. - Working with Optical Character Recognition: Learn more about how OCR works in Eggplant Functional and how you can optimize text searches.
9. The Connect Command
The Connect
command opens a connection to your remote system under test (SUT). It also switches the active connection in cases where you might have multiple connections open. You can use this command in scripts when you want to switch SUT environments. You'll also probably need to use the Connect
command in scripts that you run from the command line.
If you're using the Connect
command with SUTs you have saved in your Eggplant Functional Connection List, you can specify the SUT by the Display Name:
Connect "Windows10 #3" // Finds this connection in the Connection List and uses the saved details to make a connection
As a best practice, however, you should consider specifying the detailed connection information for the SUT, which makes the command and your scripts more portable:
Connect serverID:"", portNum: 5900, type: "VNC", Visible: "No" // Opens a VNC connection to the specified IP address using the specified port and other options