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Modifying the Micro Focus ALM Integration Scripts

We provide scripts for the integration of Eggplant Functional with Micro Focus ALM using the Eggplant Integration. Include these scripts in your test suites for any Eggplant Functional tests that you want to integrate with Micro Focus ALM, and configure them to run before and after your test scripts.

The required scripts are included in suites that also contain test scripts, which you can use to set up and test your Eggplant Integration environment.

After you finish modifying the scripts, see Integrating Eggplant Functional with Micro Focus ALM for instructions on how to run your first test, which completes the integration setup in Micro Focus ALM.

Integration Suites and Scripts

The integration scripts for Micro Focus ALM version 2.0 are in the Eggplant Integration for Micro Focus ALM v2 Sample Suites file, which is available on our downloads page. Information about how to download the file is provided in the following section, along with descriptions of the integration suites and scripts contained in the file.


This suite contains the scripts required for the integration with Micro Focus ALM.

  • Setup and TearDown: These scripts are required to integrate your Eggplant Functional tests with Micro Focus ALM. The Setup script sets variables for the connection and project information in your Micro Focus ALM. The TearDown script then uses these variables to upload the test results and perform other setup tasks in Micro Focus ALM.
  • HelperScript, step1, step2, and TestCase1: Example test scripts that you can run to test that your results are properly integrated into Micro Focus ALM.


This suite contains scripts that demonstrate how you can run multiple tests using Eggplant Integration for Micro Focus ALM:

  • SetupALMInfo and UpdateALM are similar to the Setup and TearDown scripts above. They set the variables and manage the interaction with Micro Focus ALM.
  • Master, TC001Login, TC0005Activity, TC022Message, TC0035Login, TC0167Activity, TC0288Message, TC0342Login, and TC0549Message are the test scripts for running multiple tests.

Download the Suites

Download the Eggplant Integration for Micro Focus ALM v2 Sample Suites from the Eggplant Integration downloads page. You need access to these suites from any computer where you will be running Eggplant Functional tests that you want to integrate with Micro Focus ALM.

Modify the Scripts

The following instructions describe how to modify the Setup and TearDown scripts from the eggIntegrationHPALM1.suite.


You can also use these instructions to modify the scripts from the eggIntegrationHPALM2.suite. In this case, you modify the SetupALMInfo and UpdateALM scripts instead of Setup and TearDown.

Modify the Setup Script

From the eggIntegrationHPALM1.suite, modify the required Setup.script file to set the following variables for your Micro Focus ALM:

  1. Under //Configure the eggIntegration for HP ALM info comment:

    Global IntegrationHost: The hostname or IP address of the computer where the Eggplant Integration Micro Focus ALM is running.

    Global IntegrationPort: The port number of Eggplant Integration for Micro Focus ALM.

  2. Under //Configure the HP ALM Authentication information:

    Global ALMURL: The URL of your Micro Focus ALM server.

    Global ALMDomain: The domain of your Micro Focus ALM server.

    Global ALM Project: The project you want in your Micro Focus ALM server.

    Global ALMUser: The Micro Focus ALM username.

    Global QCEncryptedPwd: The Micro Focus ALM encrypted password (created in the Eggplant Integration for Micro Focus ALM as described in Generating an Encrypted Password).

  3. Under //Configure the following values as desired:


    When you run your test script with the Setup and TearDown scripts, Eggplant Integration for Micro Focus ALM creates the test plan, test lab, and test set in Micro Focus ALM if they don’t exist.

    Global ALMTestPlan: The name of the test plan that you want in Micro Focus ALM. This name is passed to the TearDown script, which makes a hierarchy based on the path provided. You can use any value or path that you want for this.

    Global ALMTestLab: This variable does the same as the ALMTestPlan, except it makes the test lab in Micro Focus ALM.

    Global ALMTestset: This variable creates a test set in the Micro Focus ALM that can include multiple test cases.

    Global ALMStatus: Leave the provided value: “NOT COMPLETED.”


    The following variables work with the default settings given in the Micro Focus ALM integration example suite, but you can modify them if necessary.

    urlTimeout: This variable specifies the time allowed for the integration server to respond.

    asTextLimit: This variable is the size limit for the files being transmitted to the Micro Focus ALM.

Modify the TearDown Script

Modify the required TearDown.script by setting the executable parameter of the ServerURL variable to the path of the runscript.bat file on the Eggplant Functional computer. The default value C:\\Program Files (x86)\\eggPlant\\runscript.bat is designed to work for a standard installation on a 32-bit Windows computer.

When you've finished modifying the scripts, see Integrating Eggplant Functional with Micro Focus ALM for instructions on how to run your first test, which completes the integration setup in Micro Focus ALM.