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Managing the Shared Data Server

Starting and Stopping the Shared Data Server

The Shared Data Server (SDS) application can be launched from Eggplant Performance Studio or Eggplant Performance Test Controller by selecting the menu option Tools > Shared Data Server. The UI provides options to start/stop the server:

  • Click the Stop Server button to stop the server.
  • Click the Start Server button to start the server.

The available action changes depending on whether the SDS server is already running.


Whenever the Shared Data Server application is launched, it starts with the server running and ready to accept connections.

Test Controller Server can automatically launch the SDS application as part of the test startup procedure. To do this:

  • Select a test from the Tests folder in the Project tree in Studio
  • Enable the Start the Shared Data Server at the beginning of the test option on the Test View > Shared Data Server tab

Setting the "Start the Shared Data Server at the beginning of the test" checkbox


Configuring SDS as shown above automatically starts the server at the beginning of the test and passes the current workspace and project as command arguments. This affects the location from which Shared Data Server UI loads/saves data.

Closing Connections

Virtual users (VUs) open connections to the Shared Data Server in order to read and write data. There might be occasions when you want to close current open connections from the console:

  • some VUs are waiting to read from the Shared Data Server with timeouts set to -1 (wait forever) but no more data is, or will become, available.
  • the test has ended but due to an unknown error condition some connections have remained open.
  • closing the current connections can act as a pause on data update, thus allowing time to study the data or save it to file.

To close any current connections to the Shared Data Server click the Close Connections button.

Closing current connections will cause a virtual user attempting to read/write on its connection to throw an exception. The use of try/catch blocks within virtual user scripts can be used to overcome this problem.


Clicking the Close Connections button only affects current open connections. It will not halt new connections.

Changing the Shared Data Server Port

To change the port on which the Shared Data Server listens for connections:

  1. Stop the server.
  2. Adjust the TCP Port number using the selection box.
  3. Start the server.

Refreshing the Shared Data Server UI

Updates to variables and lists shown within the UI can be managed with the following options.

  • Auto refresh: If checked, the data in the UI will update every time there is a change to the Shared Data Server. This might not be appropriate when there are rapid updates to the Shared Data Server.
  • Refresh: If Auto refresh is unchecked then clicking this button will force an update to the data displayed in the UI.

Clearing All Data

All data within the Shared Data Server can be removed by clicking the Clear All button.