Working with Android Mobile Devices
As discussed in Connecting to Mobile Devices, Eggplant Functional (EPF) has extensive support for testing Android mobile devices. Using Eggplant's Android Mobile Device Connections, you can test Android mobile devices which are directly connected to the machine running Eggplant Functional. The Android devices may be physical devices or emulators. Additionally, you can test cloud-hosted Android mobile devices which are hosted by Sauce Labs. This section will discuss concepts related to testing mobile devices which are connected directly to the system running Eggplant Functional. Please refer to Connecting to Sauce Labs Real Devices and Virtual Browsers for details on working with cloud-hosted Android mobile devices.
The Mobile Device Connections only support connections to devices directly from the machine which is running Eggplant Functional. If you have a need to host your devices from a shared network address which is not co-hosted on the same machine as Eggplant Functional, you must use Eggplant's Classic Android Gateway application. Please refer to the user guide for the Classic Android Gateway application for details on how to setup and use the application.