Settings Tab
The Suite window's Settings tab contains general information about the current Eggplant Functional (EPF) suite. You can access the Settings tab by clicking the Settings button at the bottom left of the Suite window.
The Settings tab consists of sections that provide information and let you set defaults for your suite. These sections are described below.
The Suite window showing the open Settings tab.
The Helper Suites Pane
The Helper Suites section on the Setting tab contains a list of the suites whose scripts, images, and helpers are available to the current suite; such attached suites are known as helper suites
. Helper suites are useful as core suites, with scripts and images that you use across several other suites.
The table shows the following information about each helper suite:
- Relationship: Shows how the helper suite is related to the current suite. This column displays either Includes if the current suite can access resources from the helper suite, or Included by if another suite accesses the current suite as a helper suite.
- Helper Suite: Displays the name of the attached helper suite.
- Path: Shows the file path of the helper suite; red text indicates a file path that is no longer valid.
Double-clicking a helper suite in the list opens that suite (or brings it to the front).