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epgw add rdp command


epgw add rdp - Add a new Rdp remote connection


--nameThe connection name.
--serverHostnameThe remote server hostname.
--serverPortThe remote server port number.
--usernameThe remote server username.
--passwordThe remote server password.
--domainThe remote server domain.
--resolutionThe remote server resolution.
--rdpVersionThe FreeRDP version for Eggplant Gateway RDP connection. [2
--rdpSecurityThe RDP security setting for Eggplant Gateway RDP connection.
--tlsSecurityThe TLS security setting for Eggplant Gateway RDP connection.
--nlaSecurityThe NLA security setting for Eggplant Gateway RDP connection.
--extSecurityThe NLA extended security setting for Eggplant Gateway RDP connection.
--authenticationThe setting to perform authentication security for Eggplant Gateway RDP connection.
--securityNegotiationThe security negotiate security setting for Eggplant Gateway RDP connection.
--ignoreCertificateThe setting to ignore certificate for Eggplant Gateway RDP connection.
--subsamplingSet the Jpeg parameter chrominance subsampling.


epgw add rdp smartcardAdd a new Rdp remote connection using smartcard logon. Refer to