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Understanding Eggplant Functional Virtual Users

Each Eggplant Functional virtual user (VU) communicates with a different instance of Eggplant Functional. You can execute individual Eggplant Functional commands, such as clicks and mouse moves, or you can execute entire Eggplant Functional scripts.


You need one instance of Eggplant Functional (one Eggplant Functional license, either Node Locked Expiring or Floating Expiring) for each Eggplant Functional VU that you wish to run in your test. For more information, see the Eggplant Functional documentation, and information about licensing Eggplant Functional for use with Eggplant Performance.

Eggplant Functional must be installed on the same machine as the Eggplant Performance injector.

The injector automatically manages the Eggplant Functional instances that it requires to execute the test run. Eggplant Functional suites containing required scripts and images can be automatically distributed to all of the injector machines in the test. If a test includes Eggplant Functional VUs, and the suite used in the scripts includes a helper suite, then that helper suite is transferred to the required injectors before the test begins.

The architecture is shown in the diagram below: