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Using Python to Create and Amend Data

It is possible to create or amend data within the Shared Data Server using Python scripts.

Python Scripting Dialog

Click the button Exec script to open the Scripts dialog.


Examples of Python script code can be found displayed in the Examples tab of the Scripts dialog.

Creating Scripts

To create a script click the New Script button. This will open a new tab called Script <n>. Enter your script code in the top pane of this new tab.

Deleting Scripts

To delete a script select the tab containing the script you wish to delete and click the Delete Script button.

Executing Scripts

To execute a script select the tab containing the script you wish to execute and click the Execute button. Error and output messages will appear in the bottom pane of the Scripts dialog.


All scripts are automatically saved on exiting the Shared Data Server UI and reloaded the next time the application is started.