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Workspaces and Source Control Management in Eggplant Performance

There are many source control management (SCM) software applications available, such as CVS, Subversion (SVN), Mercurial (Hg), and Git.

An Eggplant Performance workspace can be stored in a version control repository created by one of these SCM applications (or others) to make it easy for test team members to share and collaborate on the same performance testing project.

Creating a workspace within a repository

For instructions on creating a repository, refer to the documentation for your chosen SCM application. When you have a local copy of your repository on your computer:

  1. On the File menu, click New, and then click Workspace.

  2. In the Location box, browse to your repository directory or a folder within. When you click OK, a folder will be created in the selected Location, with the specified workspace Name.

Excluding files from the repository


Not all the files in the Eggplant Performance workspace should be checked into the source code repository. Intermediate build files are likely to change frequently, and may cause merge conflicts if checked in.

Using whatever mechanism your SCM application supports for ignoring or excluding files, exclude these files:

  • The repository directory within the workspace directory, i.e., <workspace>/repository.
  • The debuggers directory within the project directories, i.e., <workspace>/projects/<project>/debuggers.
  • The repository directory within the project directories, i.e., <workspace>/projects/<project>/repository.
  • The runs directory within the project directories, i.e., <workspace>/projects/<project>/runs.
  • The WSLock file within the workspace directory, i.e., <workspace>/WSLock.
  • Files ending in .bak (in any directory).

Some of these files may not appear until you create resources within the Eggplant Performance workspace/project and perform a build.

Adding an existing workspace from a repository

For instructions on checking out or cloning a repository to your local machine, refer to the documentation for your chosen SCM application. Once you have a local copy of your repository on your computer:

  1. On the File menu, click Add existing Workspace.

  2. Browse to the Eggplant Performance workspace folder within the repository directory.

The workspace folder is the one which contains workspace.ini, a projects/ folder and a vuTypes/ folder (among many other things).

A confirmation box appears to say that the workspace has been successfully added, and gives the option to switch to it.

Now you can begin working in Eggplant Performance Studio and checking your changes into your repository for your teammates to work with.


Some files are loaded when Studio first opens, and may not be refreshed if you check out changes while Studio is running. It is recommended to close Studio when pulling or updating your local repository.