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Setting Up an Eggplant Performance Injector on Linux

The following instructions describe how to set up and run injectors on Linux systems without the a full Eggplant Performance installation. The instructions are divided into the following tasks:

Step by Step: Install the Injector

  1. Verify that the machine on which you want to install the injector meets the system requirements as described in Injector Installation.

  2. Download the latest Eggplant Performance Injector (Linux) installer from the Eggplant website:

  3. Unzip the downloaded .zip file.

    unzip eggPlantPerformanceLinuxInjector<version>.zip

  4. Using a user with root privileges, run inside the unzipped directory:

    . ./

    You must be running as a user with root privileges to run, because it creates directories in /opt and /var.

  5. Download and install an appropriate version of the Eclipse Temurin (the OpenJDK distribution from Adoptium) version 11 JRE and make sure it is on the ${PATH} variable - set it in your profile if desired, using a command like this:

    echo 'PATH="${PATH:+${PATH}:}${HOME}/jdk-XX.X.XX-jre/bin"' >> ${HOME}/.bash_profile

Running the Injector

  1. Run inside the bin/ folder in the unzipped directory:

    . ./

    You do not need a user with root privileges to run the injector.

  2. Specify the port on which you want the injector to listen for connections from the Test Controller machine by passing it as a parameter to as shown with port 39001 in the sample screen below:

    . ./ <port>

    Where <port> is the port on which you want the injector to listen.

View the Injector Logs

Injector logs are written to /var/log/eggPlantPerformance:

  • injector.log
  • runinjector.out - extra output from nohup if is run with the -b (background) option