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Version: DAI 7.4

Managing Test Cases

Designer > Test Cases is the central repository for test cases for all your models. From here, you can:

See Building Test Cases to learn how to create your first test case.

Find and View a Test Case

All existing test cases are displayed on the Test Cases page in alphabetical order. Just click on a test case name to preview it.

To narrow down the list to find a specific test case or group of test cases, either:

  • Enter full or partial test case names in the search box.
  • Select the model that the test cases belong to.

Along with the name of the test case, and the model it belongs to, the following details are displayed:

  • Origin: The source of the test case. For example, another test application or auditing system.
  • External ID: The unique identifier for the test case in the external system.
  • Tags: Any tags specified for the test case. Tags are useful for identifying test cases, and associated test results, that belong to a particular category or feature.
  • Last 10 Runs: Latest 10 run results of the test case when it is used in a Live Run or Test Config, represented by a set of different-colored dots.
  • Last Run: Latest date and time when the test case is used in a Live Run or Test Config

Add a New Test Case

Create a new test case from scratch or reuse an existing test case.

Create a New Test Case

Follow these instructions to create a new model from scratch.

  1. From Test Cases, click Add New +.
  2. Follow the instructions in Building Test Cases.

Duplicate a Test Case

To save time, reuse elements from existing test cases instead of recreating them. This is particularly useful when sharing test cases with other team members, for debugging, and taking backups.

  1. Go to Test Cases and find the test case that you're interested in.
  2. From the actions menu on the test case, select Duplicate.
  3. In the Test Case box, enter a name for your new test case. Do not include any of the following characters: " \ ; , : { }.
  4. Click Create. Your new test case is ready to update.

Edit a Test Case

When you want to return to an existing test case to update it:

  1. Go to Test Cases and find the test case that you're interested in.
  2. From the actions menu on the test case, select Edit. Your test case is ready to update.

Delete a Test Case

When making changes to your model, you might need to update or even remove a test case.

  1. Go to Test Cases and find the test case that you want to remove.
  2. From the actions menu on the test case, select Delete.

Run Tests Cases Against a Model

You can manually run test cases at any time.

  1. Go to Test Cases and find the test case that you want to execute.
  2. From the actions menu on the test case, select Run. The Live Run page opens with your test case. This page will give the option to run a scripted or model based test case.

View the Results of the Last 10 Runs for a Test Case

After running a test case against a model or suite, you can view the results of up to the 10 most recent runs. Each run result is represented by a colored dot, which can be clicked for more information.

  1. Go to Test Cases and locate the test case that you are interested in.

  2. If the test case has any completed runs, you will see a row of colored-dots under the Last 10 Runs column.

  3. The dots are arranged chronologically from left to right so that the latest run is at the right.

  4. Each color of the dots represents a run status:

    • Teal: Success
    • Orange: Error
    • Red: Fail
    • Grey: Cancelled
    • Purple: In Progress

    Chronological Test Case results

  5. Click on any of the dots to display additional results for the test run.

View the Summary of all Results for a Test Case

You can easily view the success metrics for an individual test case, and then drill down into each test run for further information.

  1. Go to Test Cases and find the test case that you're interested in.

  2. On the test case, select Test case information to view a chart of the number of passed and failed runs for the selected test case.

    Success metrics for a test case

  3. Click View All Results to show details of each test run in date order.

Export a List of Test Cases

For reference or auditing, you can export the list of test cases shown on the Test Cases page as a .csv file.

From Test Cases, click Export All. A .csv file of test case details is downloaded.