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Create an Analysis View for a Test Run

This Eggplant Performance Analyzer REST method creates an analysis view for a test run. You use the following URL with a POST HTTP method as described here.


/analyzer/api/1.0/<workspace>/<project>/<series>/<test>/<run number>/create_analysis_view

HTTP Method

POST: Creates an analysis view for a test run.

Request Parameters

namestringThe name to give the new analysis view.
timingsSampleSizenumberThe maximum number of timings to include in the sample. Specify either timingsSampleSize or timingsSamplePercentage.
timingsSamplePercentagenumberThe percentage of timings to include in the sample. Specify either timingsSampleSize or timingsSamplePercentage.
measurementSampleSizenumberThe maximum number of measurements to include in the sample. Specify either measurementsSampleSize or measurementsSamplePercentage.
measurementSamplePercentagenumberThe percentage of measurements to include in the sample. Specify either measurementsSampleSize or measurementsSamplePercentage.
eventSamplePercentagenumberThe percentage of events to include in the sample. Specify either eventSampleSize or eventSamplePercentage.
eventSampleSizenumberThe maximum number of events to include in the sample. Specify either eventSampleSize or eventSamplePercentage.
groupingsAppliednumberA list of groupings to apply to the analysis view.
includeFailedTimingsarrayWhether or not to include failed timings in the analysis view. Defaults to false.
startTimestringThe start time of the analysis view time slice.
endTimestringThe end time of the analysis view time slice.

Response Parameters

<view name>stringThe URL of the newly created analysis view.

Example Request

"name": "View 1",
"timingSamplePercentage": 50,
"startTime": "2015-03-25T16:41:22",
"endTime": "2015-03-25T05:47:11"

Example Response

"View 1": "http://localhost:5000/analyzer/api/1.0/Workspace%201/Project%201/Series%201/Test%201/1/analysis_views/View%201"