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Analysis Views

These Eggplant Performance Analyzer REST methods are for working with analysis views. You use the following URL with a GET HTTP method to return information about a specified analysis view, or the DELETE HTTP method to delete a specified analysis view. The GET method is shown first, followed by the DELETE method.


/analyzer/api/1.0/<workspace>/<project>/<series>/<test>/<run number>/analysis_views/<view>

HTTP Method

GET: Gets information about the specified analysis view.

Response Parameters

create_reportstringThe URL to use for creating a report for this analysis view.
datastringThe URL to use to retrieve data from this analysis view.
KPIsstringThe URL to use to retrieve KPI values for this analysis view.
summarystringThe URL to use to get a summary of this analysis view, e.g., start and end times, sample sizes, etc.
summary_datastringThe URL to use to retrieve summary statistics from this analysis view.

Example Request


Example Response

"create_report": "http://localhost:5000/analyzer/api/1.0/Workspace%201/Project%201/Series%201/Test%201/1/analysis_views/View%201/create_report",
"data": "http://localhost:5000/analyzer/api/1.0/Workspace%201/Project%201/Series%201/Test%201/1/analysis_views/View%201/data",
"kpis": "http://localhost:5000/analyzer/api/1.0/Workspace%201/Project%201/Series%201/Test%201/1/analysis_views/View%201/kpis",
"summary": "http://localhost:5000/analyzer/api/1.0/Workspace%201/Project%201/Series%201/Test%201/1/analysis_views/View%201/summary",
"summary_data": "http://localhost:5000/analyzer/api/1.0/Workspace%201/Project%201/Series%201/Test%201/1/analysis_views/View%201/summary_data"

HTTP Method

DELETE: Deletes the specified analysis view.

Response Parameters

analysis_viewsobjectThe names and URLs of all the remaining analysis views in this test run.

Example Request


Example Response

"analysis_views": {
"View 1": "http://localhost:5000/analyzer/api/1.0/Workspace%201/Project%201/Series%201/Test%201/1/analysis_views/View%201"