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Create a New Comparison Chart

This Eggplant Performance Analyzer REST method creates a new comparison chart. You use the following URL with a POST HTTP method as described here.



You can use this URL with a POST method as described here.

HTTP Method

POST: Creates a new comparison chart.

Request Parameters

namestringThe name of the new comparison chart.
categorystringThe name of the category of the new chart.
statTypestringThe name of the statistic of the new chart.
chartAxisSeriesTypestringThe name of the series type of the new chart.
summaryStatTypestringThe name of the summary statistic type of the new chart.
bucketCountnumberThe number of buckets to use when calculating data for the new chart (defaults to the default bucket count, which is usually set to 100).
measurementNamestringThe measurement name for the new chart (only required if category is System Under Test or Measurements)

Response Parameters

comparison_chartstringThe URL of the newly created comparison chart.

Example Request

"name": "Transaction Response Times (95th Percentile)",
"category": "Transactions",
"statType": "Percentiles",
"chartAxisSeriesType": "Timing",
"summaryStatType": "95th Percentile"

Example Response

"comparison_chart": "http://localhost:5000/analyzer/api/1.0/comparisons/My%20Comparison/Transactions%20Response%20Time%20%2895th%20Percentile%29"