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Project Information

These Eggplant Performance Analyzer REST methods are for working with Eggplant Performance Analyzer projects. You use the following URL with a GET HTTP method to return information about a specified project, or a DELETE HTTP method to delete a specified project. The GET method is shown first, followed by the DELETE method.



HTTP Method

GET: Gets information about a specified project.

Response Parameters

seriesobjectThe names and URLs of the series in this workspace.

Example Request


Example Response

"series": {
"Series 1": "http://localhost:5000/analyzer/api/1.0/Workspace%201/Project%201/Series%201"

HTTP Method

DELETE: Deletes a specified project.

Response Parameters

workspacestringThe URL of the workspace that contained the project.

Example Request


Example Response

"workspace": "http://localhost:5000/analyzer/api/1.0/Workspace%201"