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Remove an Analysis View from an Existing Comparison

This Eggplant Performance Analyzer REST method removes an analysis view from an existing comparison. You use the following URL with a POST HTTP method as described here.



HTTP Method

POST: Removes an analysis view from an existing comparison.

Request Parameters

workspacestringThe name of the workspace containing the analysis view to remove.
projectstringThe name of the project containing the analysis view to remove.
seriesstringThe name of the series containing the analysis view to remove.
teststringThe name of the test containing the analysis view to remove.
runNumbernumberThe run number of the test containing the analysis view to remove.
analysisViewstringThe name of the analysis view to remove.

Response Parameters


Example Request

"workspace": "Workspace 1",
"project": "Project 1",
"series": "Series 1",
"test": "Test 1",
"runNumber": 1,
"analysisView": "View 1"

Example Response
