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Eggplant Performance Analyzer: REST API Method Summary Table

The REST API URLs and methods for working with Eggplant Performance Analyzer are listed in the following table, and the linked pages provide further information and examples.


Values surrounded by <angle brackets> on this page and the method information pages indicate values that you must provide according to your Eggplant Performance workspace setup (e.g. the workspace name).

If the values you provide in URL paths contain spaces or other special characters, they must be percent-encoded, e.g. /<workspace>/ would become /My%20Workspace/


TitleHTTP MethodURLDescription
VersionGET/analyzer/api/1.0/versionGets the currently installed version of Eggplant Performance Analyzer.

Workspace and project information

TitleHTTP MethodURLDescription
Workspaces and ComparisonsGET/analyzer/api/1.0Lists the workspaces and comparisons that are currently in the analysis database.
Workspace InformationGET/analyzer/api/1.0/<workspace>Gets information about the specified workspace.
Project InformationGET/analyzer/api/1.0/<workspace>/<project>Gets information about the specified project.
Delete ProjectDELETE/analyzer/api/1.0/<workspace>/<project>Deletes the specified project.
Series InformationGET/analyzer/api/1.0/<workspace>/<project>/<series>Gets information about the specified series.
Test InformationGET/analyzer/api/1.0/<workspace>/<project>/<series>/<test>Gets information about the specified test.

Importing and analyzing a test run

TitleHTTP MethodURLDescription
Test Run Import (Raw)POST/analyzer/api/1.0/add_raw_test_runImports a raw test run into the analysis database.
Create Test Run Analysis ViewPOST/analyzer/api/1.0/<workspace>/<project>/<series>/<test>/<run number>/create_analysis_viewCreates a new analysis view for the test run.

Test run information

To specify the test run, all of these method URLs begin with:

/analyzer/api/1.0/<workspace>/<project>/<series>/<test>/<run number>

For brevity, these have been shortened in the following table.

TitleHTTP MethodURLDescription
Test Run InformationGET.../<test>/<run number>Gets information about the specified test run.
Delete Test RunDELETE.../<test>/<run number>Deletes the specified test run.
Test Run SummaryGET.../<test>/<run number>/summaryGets the summary of a test run.
Add SUT Data To Test RunPOST.../<test>/<run number>/add_sut_dataAdds System Under Test (SUT) data to a test run.
Test Run Analysis ViewsGET.../<test>/<run number>/analysis_viewsGets a list of analysis views for the specified test run.
Test Run InjectorsGET.../<test>/<run number>/injectorsGets information about the injectors in the test run.
Test Run ScriptsGET.../<test>/<run_number>/scriptsGets information about the scripts in the test run.
Test Run VU GroupsGET.../<test>/<run number>/vu_groupsGets information about the virtual user (VU) groups in the test run.

Analysis view information

To specify the test run, all of these method URLs begin with:

/analyzer/api/1.0/<workspace>/<project>/<series>/<test>/<run number>/analysis_views

For brevity, these have been shortened in the following table.

TitleHTTP MethodURLDescription
Test Run Analysis ViewsGET...<test>/<run number>/analysis_viewsGets a list of analysis views for the specified test run.
Analysis View InformationGET.../analysis_views/<view>Gets information about the specified analysis view.
Delete Analysis ViewDELETE.../analysis_views/<view>Deletes the specified analysis view.
Analysis View DataGET.../analysis_views/<view>/dataLists available data for the specified analysis view.
Analysis View KPIsGET.../analysis_views/<view>/kpisGets information about Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for a specified analysis view.
Analysis View SummaryGET.../analysis_views/<view>/summaryGets summary information about a specified analysis view.
Analysis View ReportPOST.../analysis_views/<view>/create_reportCreates a report for the specified analysis view.

Analysis view statistics

To specify the analysis view, all of these method URLs begin with:

/analyzer/api/1.0/<workspace>/<project>/<series>/<test>/<run number>/analysis_views/<view>/data

For brevity, these have been shortened in the following table.

TitleHTTP MethodURLDescription
Category StatisticsGET.../data/<category>Lists available statistics for a category.
Series Types StatisticsGET.../data/<category>/<statistic>Lists available series types for a statistic.
Series Type SeriesGET.../data/<category>/<statistic>/<series type>Lists available series for the specified series type.
Series Data ValuesGET.../data/<category>/<statistic>/<series type>/<series>Gets the data values for the given series.

KPI information

To specify the test run, all of these method URLs begin with:

/analyzer/api/1.0/<workspace>/<project>/<series>/<test>/<run number>

For brevity, these have been shortened in the following table.

TitleHTTP MethodURLDescription
Create KPIPOST.../<test>/<run number>/create_kpiCreates a new KPI.
KPI InformationGET.../<test>/<run number>/kpis/<kpi>Gets information about an existing KPI.
Delete KPIDELETE.../<test>/<run number>/kpis/<kpi>Deletes an existing KPI.


TitleHTTP MethodURLDescription
Existing ComparisonsGET/analyzer/api/1.0/comparisonsGets information about existing comparisons.
Create ComparisonPOST/analyzer/api/1.0/comparisons/create_comparisonCreates a new comparison.
Comparison InformationGET/analyzer/api/1.0/comparisons/<comparison>Gets information about the specified comparison.
Delete ComparisonDELETE/analyzer/api/1.0/comparisons/<comparison>Deletes the specified comparison.
Comparison ReportPOST/analyzer/api/1.0/comparisons/<comparison>/create_reportCreates a report form the specified comparison.
Comparison Analysis View AdditionPOST/analyzer/api/1.0/comparisons/<comparison>/add_analysis_viewAdds an analysis view to an existing comparison.
Comparison Analysis View RemovalPOST/analyzer/api/1.0/comparisons/<comparison>/remove_analysis_viewRemoves an analysis view from an existing comparison.

Comparison charts

To specify the comparison, all of these method URLs begin with:


For brevity, these have been shortened in the following table.

TitleHTTP MethodURLDescription
Create Comparison ChartPOST.../<comparison>/create_comparison_chartCreates a new comparison chart.
Comparison Chart DataGET.../<comparison>/<comparison chart>Gets data for a comparison chart. Note that this is all the data that would be displayed on the chart in the user interface.
Delete Comparison ChartDELETE.../<comparison>/<comparison chart>Deletes the specified comparison chart.