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Shared Data Server - Get

This Eggplant Performance Test Controller REST method reads the value associated with the specified key in the Shared Data Server.


For this method to work, Shared Data Server must be running on the same machine as the Test Controller REST server. This is usually accomplished by enabling the Start the Shared Data Server at the beginning of the test option on the Test View > Shared Data Server tab in Studio.



HTTP Method

GET: Gets the value associated with the specified key in the Shared Data Server

URL Query Parameters

The following can be added to the URL as query parameters:

keyThe key of a shared variable in Shared Data Server.
timeoutA time interval, expressed in milliseconds. If the specified key does not yet exist, the server will wait up to this long before returning a 400 error. Pass 0 to check and return immediately, or -1 to wait forever. (Optional, default is 0)

The specified key must relate to a shared variable in Shared Data Server. Shared lists are currently not accessible via this API.

Response Parameters

<key>String or integerThe value of the shared variable associated with the specified key in Shared Data Server.

If the specified key does not exist and has not been created by the time the timeout elapses, the response status will be 400 and the response body JSON will contain an error key.

Example Request


Example Response

"my_key": "my_value"