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Eggplant Performance Test Controller: REST API Method Summary Table

The REST API URLs and methods for working with Eggplant Performance Test Controller are listed in the following table, and the linked pages provide further information and examples.


Values surrounded by <angle brackets> on this page and the method information pages indicate values that you must provide according to your Eggplant Performance workspace setup (e.g. the workspace name).

If the values you provide in URL paths contain spaces or other special characters, they must be percent-encoded, e.g. /<workspace>/ would become /My%20Workspace/


TitleHTTP MethodURLDescription
VersionGET/test_controller/api/1.0/versionGets the currently installed version of Eggplant Performance.

Workspace and project information

TitleHTTP MethodURLDescription
Workspace InformationGET/test_controller/api/1.0Gets information about the Eggplant Performance workspace.
Project InformationGET/test_controller/api/1.0/<workspace>Gets a list of the available projects within the specified workspace.
List Tests and SeriesGET/test_controller/api/1.0/<workspace>/<project>Gets a list of the available tests and series within the specified project.
Test InformationGET/test_controller/api/1.0/<workspace>/<project>/<test>Gets the definition of a test.

Controlling test execution

To specify the test run, all of these method URLs begin with:


For brevity, these have been shortened in the following table.

TitleHTTP MethodURLDescription
Start Test RunPOST.../<test>/startStarts a new test run.
Stop Test Run at End of IterationPOST.../<test>/stop_at_end_of_iterationInstructs all virtual users to stop at the end of the current iteration.
Stop Test ImmediatelyPOST.../<test>/stop_immediatelyInstructs all virtual users to stop tests immediately.
Abort Test RunPOST.../<test>/abortTerminates all engine processes immediately.

Starting and stopping virtual users

TitleHTTP MethodURLDescription
Add Virtual UsersPOST.../<test>/add_virtual_usersAdds additional virtual users to the currently executing test run.
Stop Virtual Users At End of IterationPOST.../<test>/stop_virtual_users_at_end_of_iterationInstructs some virtual users to stop at the end of the current iteration.
Stop Virtual Users ImmediatelyPOST.../<test>/stop_virtual_users_immediatelyInstruct some virtual users to stop immediately.

Changing the pause factor

TitleHTTP MethodURLDescription
Set Pause FactorPOST.../<test>/set_pause_factorUpdates the pause factor for one or more VU groups.

Test run status

To specify the test run, all of these method URLs begin with:


For brevity, these have been shortened in the following table.

TitleHTTP MethodURLDescription
Test Start ProgressGET.../<test>/startup_progressGets progress messages for the startup of a test.
Test Closedown ProgressGET.../<test>/closedown_progressGets progress messages for the closedown of a test
Test Run StatusGET.../<test>/statusGets the current status of the test run.
Test Status HistoryGET.../<test>/status_historyGets the test status over time.
AlertsGET.../<test>/alertsGets a list of all the alerts that have occurred during the test.
Injector StatusGET.../<test>/injector_statusGets the current status of the injectors in the test run
Available SUT MeasurementsGET.../<test>/sut_measurementsGets the list of SUT measurements that are available for the current test run.
SUT MeasurementGET.../<test>/sut_measurements/<SUT measurement>Gets the values of a SUT measurement over the course of the test run.
Virtual User Group CountsGET.../<test>/virtual_user_group_countsGets the number of virtual users in each group, and their total.

Errors and warnings

To specify the test run, all of these method URLs begin with:


For brevity, these have been shortened in the following table.

TitleHTTP MethodURLDescription
ErrorsGET.../<test>/errorsGets a list of all the errors that have occurred during the test.
Error CountsGET.../<test>/error_countsGets the cumulative error count over time.
Error RatesGET.../<test>/error_ratesGets the error rate over time.
WarningsGET.../<test>/warningsGets a list of all the warnings that have occurred during the test.
Warning CountsGET.../<test>/warning_countsGets the cumulative warning count over time.
Warning RatesGET.../<test>/warning_ratesGets the warning rate over time.

Timings and transactions

To specify the test run, all of these method URLs begin with:


For brevity, these have been shortened in the following table.

TitleHTTP MethodURLDescription
TimingsGET.../<test>/timingsGets a report on the timings that have been completed.
Timing CountsGET.../<test>/timings/countsGets the cumulative timing counts over time.
Timing RatesGET.../<test>/timings/ratesGets the timing rates over time.
Timing Response TimesGET.../<test>/timings/response_timesGets the timing response times over time.
TransactionsGET.../<test>/transactionsGets a report on the transactions that have been completed.
Transaction CountsGET.../<test>/transactions/countsGets the cumulative transaction counts over time.
Transaction RatesGET.../<test>/transactions/ratesGets the transaction rates over time.
Transaction Response TimesGET.../<test>/transactions/response_timesGets the transaction response times over time.


To specify the test run, all of these method URLs begin with:


For brevity, these have been shortened in the following table.

TitleHTTP MethodURLDescription
Custom MetricsGET.../<test>/custom_metricsGets a list of the custom metrics that have been created for this test run.
Metric AveragesGET.../<test>/metrics/averagesGets the average value over time of a set of metrics.
Metric CountsGET.../<test>/metrics/countsGets the cumulative count over time of a set of metrics.
Metric RateGET.../<test>/metrics/ratesGets the rate over time of a set of metrics.
Metrics ConcurrencyGET.../<test>/metrics/concurrencyGets the counts of concurrent metrics for multiple running VUs over time.
Metric Total RatesGET.../<test>/metrics/total_ratesGets the total rates over time of a set of metrics.
Metric TotalsGET.../<test>/metrics/totalsGets the total passed and failed counts over time of a set of metrics.

Shared Data Server

These methods can be used to interact with the Shared Data Server.

TitleHTTP MethodURLDescription
GetGET/test_controller/api/1.0/shared_data_server/getReads the value associated with the specified key.
SetPOST/test_controller/api/1.0/shared_data_server/setCreates or modifies the value associated with the specified key.
IncrementPOST/test_controller/api/1.0/shared_data_server/incrementIncrements an integer value associated with the specified key.
DecrementPOST/test_controller/api/1.0/shared_data_server/decrementDecrements an integer value associated with the specified key.
ClearPOST/test_controller/api/1.0/shared_data_server/clearClears all values associated with the specified key.
Clear AllPOST/test_controller/api/1.0/shared_data_server/clear_allClears all keys and values.