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This Eggplant Performance Test Controller REST method gets a report on the transactions that have been completed in a test.



HTTP Method

GET: Gets a report on the transactions that have been completed

URL Query Parameters

The following can be added to the URL as query parameters:

after_timeA time, expressed in milliseconds since Jan. 1 1970. Only transactions that completed after this time will be considered.

Response Parameters

The response will be an object with the following entries:

averageObjectThe average response time for each transaction (in seconds).
rateObjectThe transaction rate for each transaction (in transactions/s).
countObjectThe total count of each transaction.
fail_countObjectThe total number of failures for each transaction.
minimumObjectThe minimum response time for each transaction (in seconds).
maximumObjectThe maximum response time for each transaction (in seconds).

Example Request


Example Response

"average": {
"Buy": 5.904,
"Home": 9.115,
"Login": 6.874,
"Search": 6.715,
"<COMBINED>": 7.152
"rate": {
"Buy": 0.05,
"Home": 0.05,
"Login": 0.05,
"Search": 0.05,
"<COMBINED>": 0.199
"count": {
"Buy": 1066,
"Home": 1065,
"Login": 1066,
"Search": 1064,
"<COMBINED>": 4261
"fail_count": {
"Buy": 0,
"Home": 0,
"Login": 0,
"Search": 0,
"minimum": {
"Buy": 3.444,
"Home": 6.123,
"Login": 5.999,
"Search": 4.414,
"<COMBINED>": 3.444
"maximum": {
"Buy": 7.112,
"Home": 10.456,
"Login": 6.999,
"Search": 8.765,
"<COMBINED>": 10.456