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Test Run Status

This Eggplant Performance Test Controller REST method gets the current status of the test run.



HTTP Method

GET: Gets the current status of the test run

Response Parameters

Possible test status values

  • Not created
  • Created
  • Initializing
  • Initialization failed
  • Running
  • Stopping at end of iteration
  • Stopping immediately
  • Aborting
  • Closing down
  • Close down failed
  • Completed
  • Cancelled
  • File retrieval was cancelled
statusStringThe overall status of the test. See Possible test status values above.
startTimeStringThe time the test was started.
warningsIntegerThe total number of warnings that have occurred.
completedIntegerThe number of VUs in the completed state.
failsIntegerThe total number of progress points that have failed.
runningIntegerThe number of VUs in the running state.
abortedIntegerThe number of VUs in the aborted state.
vuStartTimeStringThe time the VU(s) started.
inErrorIntegerThe number of VUs in the error state.
errorsIntegerThe total number of errors that have occurred.
unknownIntegerThe number of VUs whose state is unknown.
runNumberIntegerThe test run number.
passesIntegerThe total number of progress points that have passed.
pendingIntegerThe number of VUs in the pending state.

Example Request


Example Response

"status": "Completed",
"startTime": "2022-01-31T11:33:22.600000+00:00",
"warnings": 0,
"completed": 4,
"fails": 0,
"running": 0,
"aborted": 0,
"vuStartTime": "2022-01-31T11:33:25.324000+00:00",
"inError": 0,
"errors": 9,
"unknown": 0,
"runNumber": 33,
"passes": 0,
"pending": 0