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SUT Measurement

This Eggplant Performance Test Controller REST method gets the values of a SUT measurement over the course of the test run.


/test_controller/api/1.0/<workspace>/<project>/<test>/sut_measurements/<SUT measurement name>

HTTP Method

GET: Gets the values of a SUT measurement over the course of the test run

URL Query Parameters

The following can be added to the URL as query parameters:

after_timeA time, expressed in milliseconds since Jan. 1 1970. Only values collected after this time will be returned.
bucket_sizeA time interval, expressed in seconds. Returned data will be resampled to this interval.

Response Parameters

<timestamp>A timestamp object which includes an object mapping monitoring targets to the value of the SUT measurement at the timestamp.

Example Request


Example Response

"2016-09-17T07:09:00.000Z": {
"MonTarget01": 7.111
"2016-09-17T07:09:30.000Z": {
"MonTarget01": 11.861
"2016-09-17T07:10:00.000Z": {
"MonTarget01": 9.919
"2016-09-17T07:10:30.000Z": {
"MonTarget01": 8.351