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Injector Status

This Eggplant Performance Test Controller REST method gets the current status of the injectors in the test run.



HTTP Method

GET: Gets the current status of the injectors in the test run

Response Parameters

The response will be an object with an entry for each injector family. Within each injector family there will be an object for each injector in the test run.

For each injector, there will be an object containing the following:

CPUFloatThe % CPU usage on the injector.
availableMemoryIntegerThe amount of available memory, in bytes, on the injector.
bytesSentPerSecondFloatThe number of bytes sent per second over the network on the injector machine.
bytesRecvPerSecondFloatThe number of bytes received per second over the network on the injector machine.
availableDiskObjectThe available space on each of the disks on the injector machine.
enginesObjectThe state of each of the engines running on the injector machine.
connectionLostBooleanWhether or not the test controller server has lost the network connection to the injector.

Example Request


Example Response

"This machine": {
"localhost": {
"availableMemory": 18556059648,
"engines": {
"": "Running"
"bytesSentPerSecond": 10708.2,
"availableDisk": {
"Local Fixed Disk (C:)": 598931853312,
"Local Fixed Disk (E:)": 967407443968
"bytesRecvPerSecond": 12621.166666666666,
"connectionLost": false,
"CPU": 7.220112862500427
"This machine again": {
"localhost2": {
"availableMemory": 18556059648,
"engines": {
"": "Running"
"bytesSentPerSecond": 10708.2,
"availableDisk": {
"Local Fixed Disk (C:)": 598931853312,
"Local Fixed Disk (E:)": 967407443968
"bytesRecvPerSecond": 12648.666666666666,
"connectionLost": false,
"CPU": 7.213400625324318