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Version: DAI 7.4

Post-Installation Configuration

After installion, you can make adjustments to the configuration of the DAI server to prepare it for use within your organization.

Configuring Single Sign-On with DAI

To enable Single Sign-On (SSO) with DAI, see Enabling Single Sign-On (SSO) Authentication in DAI.

Add Settings for Self-Signed SSL Certificates

If you've completed an advanced installation and used your own Certificate Authority to sign an SSL certificate, then you must update your configuration after installation.

  1. Stop the Digital Automation Intelligence Service through the Windows Services manager.

  2. Go to C:\ProgramData\Eggplant\Digital Automation Intelligence and open the config.yml file in a text editing tool.

  3. Add the following entry under the env key and save your file:

    REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE: <path to the bundle of self-signed, intermediate and root Certificate Authority certificates>
  4. Restart the Digital Automation Intelligence Windows service.

Encrypt RabbitMQ Communications

DAI embeds a RabbitMQ Server as its message broker for internal, inter-process communication. When you enable HTTPS on your DAI Server, you have the option to encrypt all traffic to the RabbitMQ server by configuring DAI to use Transport Layer Security (TLS) for all Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) communications.


The option to encrypt RabbitMQ communications is available in DAI 7.4 and later when you enable HTTPS on your DAI Server. See Run an Advanced Install for information about enabling HTTPS.

By default, RabbitMQ uses unencrypted AMQP. To configure RabbitMQ to use a certificate to encrypt all AMQP traffic, you must modify the DAI configuration file (config.yml) as described below:

  1. Stop the Digital Automation Intelligence Service through the Windows Services manager.

  2. Go to C:\ProgramData\Eggplant\Digital Automation Intelligence\ and open the config.yml file in a text editing tool.

  3. Add the following entry under the env key and save your file:

    INTERNAL_CERT_PATH: <the file path of the certificate, defaults to null>
    INTERNAL_KEY_PATH: <the file path of the certificate key, defaults to null>
    INTERNAL_KEY_PASSWORD: <the password of the certificate key (if required), defaults to null>
    INTERNAL_LISTEN_ADDRESS: <the address that RabbitMQ will listen on, defaults to>
  4. Restart the Digital Automation Intelligence Windows service.


By default, all the RabbitMQ traffic is internal to the DAI server, which means it never leaves the local machine (localhost). It is possible to set INTERNAL_CERT_PATH to the same value as the external certificate used for https (https_cert_path), but that means that the AMQP traffic will need to be routed to the host specified in the certificate, and therefore the traffic will leave the server. If you do this, then you will also need to set INTERNAL_LISTEN_ADDRESS to, so that RabbitMQ will accept traffic from external sources. You will also need to allow AMQP traffic through the firewall (port 5673).

Change the Eggplant DAI Port on Windows

Although Eggplant DAI assigns port 8000 by default during installation, you can specify a different port later:

  1. Stop the Digital Automation Intelligence Service through the Windows Services manager.
  2. Repeat an advanced installation and in steps 3 or 4, depending on your configuration, enter a new port value.
  3. When the installation is complete, restart the Digital Automation Intelligence Windows service.

Configure Eggplant DAI Application Server Logs Rotation

Eggplant DAI application server has a 60 day log rotation by default, though you can change the rotation setting under the config file:

  1. Stop the Digital Automation Intelligence Service through the Windows Services manager.
  2. Go to C:\ProgramData\Eggplant\Digital Automation Intelligence and open the config.yml file in a text editing tool.
  4. Change the rotation log count number.
  5. Restart the Digital Automation Intelligence Windows service.

Log Rotation Behaviors

  • The log file is generated on a daily basis if there are transaction logs in Eggplant DAI.
  • The rotation will take place when there is a new incoming log file and the log folder contains the number of the log file which is equal to the configured value. For example :
    • DAI service log folder contains generated log files, for example:
      • log.txt.2023-01-01, log.txt.2023-01-03, log.txt.2023-01-04
    • If a new log file is created on 6th January, this log file will replace the earliest log file log.txt.2023-01-01. As a result, the following log files will be available:
      • log.txt.2023-01-03, log.txt.2023-01-04, log.txt.2023-01-06
    • And rotates again when there is a new incoming log file, for example:
      • log.txt.2023-01-04, log.txt.2023-01-06, log.txt.2023-01-07
  • This log rotation feature will only rotate log files which are created in DAI 6.5. Log files that have been created prior to DAI 6.5 will need to be managed manually.
  • The name format of the log file in DAI 6.5 is different from earlier versions of DAI. The new log file name format is log.txt.<timestamp>.
  • Log rotation excludes logs for PostgreSQL, Nginx, RabbitMQ and Keycloak. These logs will need to be managed manually.

Configure Eggplant DAI Bug Hunting

DAI includes a "bug hunting" feature to help you find bugs. See Bug Hunting for more information. You can run the Bug Hunter in two modes:

  • Bug Hunter Classic, (Default) which is a standalone process and executable.
  • Bug Hunter Lite, which runs under the ai-api (DAI API) service.

Bug Hunter Lite provides significant performance improvement over Bug Hunter Classic. But you need to enable it to use it. You can also optionally add the DAI_LOG_FACTORS to capture information about Bug Hunter.

To enable Bug Hunter Lite:

  1. Stop the Digital Automation Intelligence Service through the Windows Services manager.

  2. Go to C:\ProgramData\Eggplant\Digital Automation Intelligence and open the config.yml file in a text editing tool.

  3. Add the following entries and save your file:

    BUG_HUNTER_LITE_ENABLED: 1 <enabled to use Bug Hunter Lite>

    You can disable BUG_HUNTER_LITE_ENABLED by setting it to 0.


    You can use this setting with the DAI_LOG_FACTORS setting described below to capture information about the Bug Hunter.

  4. Restart the Digital Automation Intelligence Windows service.

Enable Logging for the Factors Determining DAI Model Action Priorities

DAI uses several factors to determine the probability of executing an action when running an exploratory test. By default, DAI run logs do not include information about these factors. You can capture this information by enabling the DAI_LOG_FACTORS setting.


The DAI_LOG_FACTORS setting is available in DAI 6.5 and later.

  1. Stop the Digital Automation Intelligence Service through the Windows Services manager.

  2. Go to C:\ProgramData\Eggplant\Digital Automation Intelligence and open the config.yml file in a text editing tool.

  3. Add the following entries and save your file:

    DAI_LOG_FACTORS: 1 <enabled to capture information about the Bug Hunter>

    You can disable DAI_LOG_FACTORS by setting it to 0.

  4. Restart the Digital Automation Intelligence Windows service.

Enabling Scheduled Test Artifact Deletion

By default, DAI saves test artifacts indefinitely or until you manually delete them. However, you can configure DAI to delete them for you on a scheduled basis by setting the two environment variables listed in the following table in your DAI Server configuration file. Enabling this feature saves test results, log, and screenshot artifacts for the number of days you specify and then deletes them after that period of time, at the time of day (or night) you specify.

The DAI Server configuration file does not include these variables by default. You will need to manually add them to your file to use this feature. The name of the file you modify varies with the type of DAI Server (on-premise or container deployment)you are running. Instructions for modifying configuration files for the different DAI Server installation types follow the table.

  • This feature was implemented in DAI 7.3.
  • You must add both of the following environment variables to your DAI Server configuration file to enable scheduled deletions.
  • The environment variables are case-sensitve and must be entered as shown in the table below.
  • The DELETE_RESULTS_TRIGGER_TIME value must be enclosed in single quotes. The DAI Server service will not restart if you do not use the single quotes.
Environment VariableValueDescription
DELETE_RESULTS_AFTER_DAYS0Default Value : 0 (disabled) Specifies the number of days to save test artifacts before deleting them. This value must be an integer, for example, 0,1,10,20,60,120. If you do not add this environment variable to your DAI Server configuration file, or you add it and set it to zero (0), you disable scheduled deletions, in which case DAI saves the results indefinitely or until you manually delete them. If these two variables are added to your configuration file but DELETE_RESULTS_AFTER_DAYS is disabled, the DELETE_RESULTS_TRIGGER_TIME variable is also disabled.
DELETE_RESULTS_TRIGGER_TIME'03:00'Default Value : '03:00' (3 am) The time you want DAI to perform the deletion based on the local server time. This variable uses a 24-hour time format. We recommend setting this to a time when no one is using the server, such as the default 3 am or midnight ('00:00'). Note that you must specify the time value enclosed in single quotes. The DAI Server service will not restart if you do not include the single quotes.

For On-Premise DAI Windows Installations

  1. Go to C:\ProgramData\Eggplant\Digital Automation Intelligence\ and open the config.yml file in a text editing tool.

  2. Add the following entries to your config.yml file:

    DELETE_RESULTS_AFTER_DAYS: 30 <an arbitrary integer specifying the number of days you want to keep your test artifacts before deleting them; set this to 0 to disable scheduled deletions>

    DELETE_RESULTS_AFTER_DAYS: '03:00' <the time in single quotes at which you want DAI perform the deletion based on the local server time>

  3. Save the changes.

  4. Restart the DAI Server service to run it with the changes in config.yml file.

  5. Verify your schedule changes. You may need to refer to the ai-api folder logs to see your schedule changes.

For Helm (Garden) Container Deployments

  1. Go to ai-api Helm folder to modify the following variable values in the values.yaml file:

  2. Add the following entries:

    DELETE_RESULTS_AFTER_DAYS: 30 <an arbitrary integer specifying the number of days you want to keep your test artifacts before deleting them; set this to 0 to disable scheduled deletions>

    DELETE_RESULTS_AFTER_DAYS: '03:00' <the time at which you want DAI perform the deletion in single quotes>

  3. Save the changes.

  4. Garden deploy with following changes on the values.yaml file.

  5. If you need assistance finding the logs in your helm instance, please contact your Customer Success Manager or our Customer Support.

Retry Settings for SUT and Execution Environment Connections

To configure the test runner to automatically retry failed connections to a SUT or Execution Environment, you must specify the interval you want DAI to wait (sleep) before it tries to connect again. You must also specify a timeout period after which you want DAI to stop trying to connect, stop the test run, and report an error.

Environment VariableValueDescription
Maximum: 100,
Default: 10
The interval in seconds that the test runner waits before retrying the connection to a SUT or Execution Environment. For example, if you specify 10 seconds for the RETRY_SLEEP_INTERVAL_SECONDS variable, and a connection fails, the runner waits 10 seconds before trying to connect again.
Maximum: 18000,
Default: 3600
The number of seconds after which the runner stops trying to connect (timesout), stops the test run, and reports an error. If you use this variable and set it to zero (0), you disable the option to retry connections.

For On-Prem DAI Windows Installations (SUT and Execution Environments)

  1. Go to C:\ProgramData\Eggplant\Digital Automation Intelligence\ and open the config.yml file in a text editing tool.

  2. Add the following entries to your config.yml file:

    RETRY_TIMEOUT_SECONDS: 3600 <an arbitrary integer specifying the timeout after which a test runner stops trying to connect to a SUT or Execution Environment, stops the test run, and reports an error; set this variable to 0 to disable connection retries.>

    RETRY_SLEEP_INTERVAL_SECONDS: 10 <the interval in seconds you want your test runner to retry connections to a SUT or Execution Environment when the connections fail.>

  3. Save the changes.

  4. Restart the DAI Server service to run it with the changes in config.yml file.

  5. Verify your schedule changes. You may need to refer to the ai-api folder logs to see your schedule changes.

For Helm (Garden) Container Deployments (SUT and Execution Environments)

  1. Go to ai-api Helm folder to modify the following variable values in the values.yaml file:

  2. Add the following entries:

    RETRY_TIMEOUT_SECONDS: 3600 <an arbitrary integer specifying the timeout after which a test runner stops trying to connect to a SUT or Execution Environment, stops the test run, and reports an error; set this variable to 0 to disable connection retries.>

    RETRY_SLEEP_INTERVAL_SECONDS: 10 <the interval in seconds you want your test runner to retry connections to a SUT or Execution Environment when the connections fail.>

  3. Save the changes.

  4. Garden deploy with following changes on the values.yaml file.

  5. If you need assistance finding the logs in your helm instance, please contact your Customer Success Manager or our Customer Support.